Flooded? How 4 inches and 500 year
old engineering has saved Nether Wallop Mill
Nether Wallop Mill 14th February 2014

I have to express sincere thanks to everyone who has asked
how we are in The Mill here at Nether Wallop in these watery times. It is usually
a lovely place, with two rivers flowing under it and completely surrounded by
the burbling Wallop Brook that joins the River Test nine miles downstream.
But burbling is
hardly the word I would use right now. Torrential and turbulent come to mind
more readily. As I sit here in my office the din of the water that is
pummelling beneath our feet through the mill race almost drowns out normal
conversation. The lake and the river
have joined which makes me think some of the trout we have so loving nurtured
since the close of the season will have made a bid for freedom. So are we
flooded? Well, happily not and it is all due to some amazing hydrological
engineering that dates back 500 years that takes the water under and around but
not through the buildings.
There has been a mill here at Nether Wallop for over a
thousand years, listed as it is in the Domesday Book. The current buildings are
relatively new, from the 1600’s when the water meadows and mills around here
were largely created by Dutch engineers who obviously knew a thing or two. But
I have to confess when doing the restoration back at the turn of the millennium
I almost undid all their good work at a stroke by filling in what turned out to
be an essential spillway.
Essentially we have two rivers; one that takes the Wallop
Brook and the other a diverted channel that powers the mill wheel, the latter
being a full three to four feet above
the level of the true brook. As the
channel approaches the mill it is contained by man-made banks that carry the
water above the level of the house to create sufficient ‘fall’ to spin the mill
wheel. As the channel gets close to the
buildings the banks are replaced by brick walls, which at the time of the restoration
needed some minor repairs. It was the height of a dry summer, with just a foot
or so of water so it was all easily done but I could not understand why the top
on one of the brick bank walls dipped down for two yards of its length by 4
inches. It looked a bit irregular and my plan was to fill the gap to level the
top. But the bricklayer (bless him) took a shine to it and decided to retain it
as a feature, simply repairing the damage to keep it as it was. If he hadn’t I
can promise today we would be flooded because that four inches represents the emergency spillway that is the difference
between a being wet and dry.
So whoever you are, Dutch water genius of medieval times,
thank you. Your foresight has now saved me twice; once in 2003 and again right