Think like
an eel
Here's a
problem to solve: up and down the rivers of Britain, and indeed across Europe,
thousands of turbines are being installed to generate electricity. In our drive
for 'green' energy they seem the ideal solution but aside from the large, big
money projects a vast majority are small scale, bringing to life water mills
that have lain idle for a century or more. So far, so good. But here's the
issue. Turbines are not benign. Those blades rotate at a terrific speed,
shredding in the blink of an eye, any living creature unfortunate enough to get
sucked in. And sadly that is often eels and eels are one of the great
ecological disaster stories of recent years. A population that used to sustain
a whole industry on the chalkstreams is in headlong decline, by some estimates
collapsing by as much as 90%.

Mature and ready to
procreate he will use the same sense of smell to find his way back to the
river, slivering through the meadow grass in the damp dew of morning. That was
the easy bit. Once in the river it is back to the ocean and the return trip to
the Sargasso Sea by catching a southern current, but this time the return trip
that takes as much as a year. However, this is a one way ticket for the eel for
once he re-enters saltwater he stops feeding and will gradually absorb his
innards for nourishment, dying once spawning is completed back in the very place
of his birth.
During the past decade the
number of eels making this amazing round trip has declined dramatically. I've
noticed it. Once I would have barely given an eel a second glance, today my
sightings are fewer. You don't hear them sucking insects off the reeds at dusk
and fish guts that were previously snatched away into the deep by the unseen
jaws of ravenous eels now drift downstream unmolested. It is generally thought
the collapse in stocks is due to a virus the European eel has caught from the
Japanese eel out in the mid- Atlantic. The one or two commercial eel catchers
that are left live off slender pickings.
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Eel traps: redundant for ever?
So back to that problem -
how do you prevent eels entering the turbines? A grille would seem the obvious
solution but eels are so slender and lithe that the mesh would have to be so
fine as to render the turbine inoperable. With up to third of every eel run
being sliced up the scientists at Southampton University, England turned their
minds to the problem but cunningly looked for a behavioural solution. The Irish
Examiner takes up the story:
"The Southampton
scientists wanted to find a way to warn eels of the danger. They began by
studying the behaviour of the fish as they travelled down river. A
hydro-electric station on the River Stour was taken out of service in the
1970s. It has derelict turbine bays where the team could adjust the flow and
velocity of the water passing through them and simulate various conditions eels
might encounter approaching a power-station. Forty migrating eels were captured
and fitted with acoustic transponders. Eight hydrophones, fitted around the
study site, enabled the locations and behaviour of the eels to be monitored.
The eels were released upstream of the turbine, five at a time.
Three of the 40 swam
upstream and did not enter the study bay. Most of the remaining 37 moved
downstream "approaching the intake semi-passively". They followed the
main flow but, on encountering a structure ahead of them, made multiple
exploratory approaches before passing it. When the rate of water flow increased
gradually, the eels continued to move with it, drifting into the turbine shaft.
If the water flow began to increase suddenly, however, they avoided the
turbine; sudden acceleration warns eels of impending danger.
If engineers can come up
with devices to constrict the flow of water and increase it rapidly ahead of a
turbine intake, it will be good news for eels. The sudden change in the speed
of the water will alert eels to the impending danger. Engineering a slow steady
flow towards a fish-pass, on the other hand, should persuade the frightened
eels to use that route instead. This won't solve all of the eels' many problems
but every little helps."
It is an amazing thought
that a solution so simple might work.
Game &
Wildlife Conservation Trust fisheries report
It is not
all light reading but if you get a chance the latest Game & Wildlife
Conservation Trust (GWCT) fisheries report is worth delving into.

If you'd like to read the
GWCT 2014 report click on this link.
Trust Paul Whitehouse video

As ever Mark was congenial and constructive, but he rightly pointed out that the Paul Whitehouse go fishing video is embedded on Matt Hayes' Facebook page where it has been viewed at staggering 185,000 times. If you are a fan of Facebook Matt's is one of the best and most regularly updated of all the fishing sites.
His photo today of a baby
Blue Marlin is typical of the cool stuff he posts. View
it here .....
The usual random selection of questions to confound and amaze.
Answers at the bottom of the Newsletter. It is just for fun!
1) What would you make
with Arundinaria
2) When did Ernest Hemingway, author of Old Man of the Sea, die?
3) What is limnology?
Have a good weekend.
Best wishes,
Simon Cooper
Founder & Managing Director
Quiz answers: 1) A split cane rod 2) 1961 3) The
study of inland waters.