Well, I'm not really into large-mouthed bass, but hey it's all fly fishing so I had to look. Oh dear. I do wonder who a) invents these things b) puts them into production c) markets them in an absolute belief of success.
 | O'Pros Clip Rod Holder |
O'Pros Dragon Fly Belt Clip Rod Holder
I am still at a loss to understand why I (or anyone) might want this. But on the plus side it is available in three colours. $25.
Loon Rouge Quick Draw Forceps
Now, I like the look of these. A much better use for $25.
 | Vedavoo Sling Pack |
Vedavoo Tightlines Sling Fishing Pack
Anglers are rarely the last word in sartorial elegance, but have some pride. $150.
Smith Creek Rod Rack
Only an amateur would buy this. Pro guides rely on bits of old fly line strung washing-line style. $130.
|  |
Smith Creek Rod Rack |  |
 | SIMMS Shirt |
SIMMS SolarFlex Armor Shirt
The marketing guff promises 'a built-in hood .... giving you the option to look like a ninja and cover your entire face and head from the sun's harmful rays.'
A bit optimistic for the British summer but I like it nonetheless even at $130.
Total Redneck Manual
I told you I was click bait. I saw this as a pop-up as I read the Field & Stream piece and went to Amazon. At £22.50 it is now on its way. I did try to precis the book blurb but really you need to read the entirety:
"Do you keep a few favourite squirrel recipes committed to memory? Know by heart the way to the best deer stand on Grandpa's 20-acre farm? Have an old tractor rusting in the back field, because you just might need the parts one day?You're not alone. So do the authors of The Total Redneck Manual.
Whether you're winching your truck out of a mud hole, packing in a good dip, or teaching your bird dog to fetch a beer from the mini-fridge, there's something in this country-fried cultural document for you.
This is a loving celebration of an all-American cultural icon, but it's also a hands-on working book that can help anyone better enjoy the great outdoors. In true Field & Stream fashion, it's packed with 200+ tips on essential outdoor

skills, from picking the right hunting dog and sighting in a rifle, to fixing just about anything with duct tape and paracord (thin nylon rope), to frying up catfish just like grandma used to make. You'll also learn to open a beer bottle with just about anything, spit on a campfire with deadly accuracy, and kit out the truck of your dreams ... with spray paint.
So, kick off your boots, crack open a cold one, take a seat on the porch, and learn from the best."
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