In case you are equally confused in
respect of beaver status as I am about Starmer, there already being an
estimated 2-3,000 of these tree-eating rodents in mainland Britain, let me
explain the difference between what we have and what is/was proposed.
Beavers were first smuggled from the
continental Europe by eco-fanatics over two decades ago who, having failed
to make the case for legal releases, illegally set them free first in
Scotland and then in Devon. Whether this disparate group of people ever had
a plan as such I do not know but if it was for the beavers to put down
roots, breed a ‘native’ population, win the hearts and minds of the British
public and then bring officialdom along for the ride, then their plan
succeeded. It culminated in 2020 with a farcical study of the River Otter
beaver population by Exeter University requiring the answer yes to decide
whether the ‘wild’ population should remain and further licences for
enclosed populations be granted.
There is, frankly, a load of tosh
talked about beavers saving the planet. I know I am often unkind to Natural
England, the Environment Agency and other members of ecological officialdom
but I think even they would have worked out years ago that if building a
few random dams was the answer to all that ails the British countryside and
rivers they might just have worked it out. But no, apparently we have to
leave it to some very dim and slow moving mustelids.
So, at this point we have the ‘wild’
beaver river population and another population, who make up the bulk of
those few thousand, who live in maintained enclosures under licence. The
final stage in the evolution of the British beaver was the licenced release
of beavers into the wild advocated by that super quango Natural England,
egged on by all the usual suspects such at the National Trust, Mammal
Society and numerous Wildlife Trusts. Frankly, we all know the licensing of
wild releases was just cover for a beaver release free-for-all and the
ultimate victory for the eco-fanatics, so quite why this Labour
administration has quashed it is hard to work out but nonetheless
Watch out for Starmer
Beaver Harmer placards at a protest near you soon.
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