Forget about Dry January this should be
Grey January, the universal colour of the sky. If it is not raining, it is
grey. If it is not blowing a gale, it is grey. If it is not grey then it is
almost certainly night. Occasionally the sun will appear for which we are
pathetically grateful commenting to colleagues, friends and family as
if it marked the Second Coming. Any outside activity is done in the belief
that, as D:Ream sung, Things Can Only Get Better. Or that the very fact of
being outside is Doing You Good. And it is not the cold that eventually
drives you indoors but the damp that seeps to your core regardless of
microfibre layers.
As we say goodbye to January, has there
been anything good about the month? I will say in its defence it is a great
month for spectacular sunrises and sunsets. It is also, to completely
mangle Churchill, if not the end of winter then at least the beginning of
the end of winter with 67 minutes more daylight than when we started the
New Year.
PS Some facts random to make my point:
· The Anglo-Saxons called January
“Wulfmonath” as it was the month hungry wolves came scavenging at people’s
· More couples separate or divorce in
January than in any other month.
· Daytime temperatures in January make it
the coldest month of the year in the UK.
· "Blue Monday" falls at the
beginning of the third week of January and, according to scientists, it has
been found to be the most depressing day of the year.
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